Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Curried and Confused

In the article Curried and Confused on coderspiel the author gives us this example of Scala code that people supposedly think is too difficult for regular folks:

def sum(nums: List[Int]) = (0 /: nums) { _ + _ }

He then goes on to say that it might be because of the /: symbol, but that this version does not make it any better:

def sum(nums: List[Int]) = (nums foldLeft 0) { _ + _ }

And this is the point where we differ completely. For me if the first version hadn't been called "sum" I would have had no idea what the code does. The moment I read the second version and I saw "foldLeft" I knew this was about an application of some function to a list of numbers resulting in a single result (hence the folding).

For me this isn't about reading (nums foldLeft 0) and not knowing it's the same as nums.foldLeft(0), you learn that once when reading about Scala's syntax and it will stick. Maybe you need to think about it a bit more the first couple of times, but it's not hard, the basics are still the same, the order is still the same, you can still think: "I've got this object nums on which I'm going to perform a foldLeft and... what's this 0 here? Oh must be an argument".

It also isn't about the whole closure bit where you suddenly see braces at the end of a statement, because getting used to Functional Programming you know that this is normally part of this brand new toolbox you've got. The _ + _ part does pose a bit of a problem for Scala first-timers, I agree.

But in the end for me the real problem is this /: symbol. What does it mean? If I see it, it doesn't ring any bells! There is no mathematical symbol that looks like this, in fact it looks like the symbol we've been using for ages now to denote division!

This is about readability, I always agreed with the Java-tenet where they would say that you tend to read code many many more times than that you write it. And it might be read by many people who don't have a way to look into your mind so it's important to write code in a way that it's function is as obvious as possible.

/: is NOT obvious.

But reading foldLeft is, once you've read at least once about folding and what it is used for. Because it doesn't matter in the end which language you use to implement the folding, it's a concept that's easy to grasp, but what happens if you have to go and learn by heart all the strange symbols that one can come up with? Especially when each language decides to use different symbols to express the same thing.

I now understand why they left out operator overloading in Java.
(yes, I know that in Scala this is not operator overloading strictly speaking, take your nitpicking somewhere else)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Regular expressions and backreferences

While trying to find a way to match quoted strings in a text taking into account that you can use both double and single quotes I first started looking at using two separate sub-expressions OR-ed together, but then I started wondering if it was possible to say something like "match a sequence that's exactly the same as that other sequence that you matched earlier". After some looking around I found the answer in backreferences. The following will match a single or double quoted string for example:


Sunday, March 7, 2010

Heavy Rain

I started playing Heavy Rain today and I must say that I really like what I've seen so far! The quality of the graphics and the 3D models isn't too great, it's easy to see the typical "broken" lines where curves have been divided up into separate polygons for example. People's faces tend to have this glassy-eyed look and depending on the person can have this "plastic" look to them. Movement around the world can sometimes be a bit of a chore for somebody like me who's not used to a console's controller but to mouse and keyboard.

Now those were the main bad points. The good points are: it's just a fun, engrossing game with a great atmosphere. I'm not even sure if you could even call it a game as such, although it definitely has game aspects, like when you are an FBI agent looking for clues with your futuristic scanner glasses. Then there are the "action" sequences which are like those horrible console, press the right button at the right time, sequences... except that this time they aren't horrible. There doesn't seem to be a way to do anything really wrong, the game doesn't punish you for reacting 5ms too late, the sequence just takes a different turn.

As you can see in the video above you just walk around until some symbol appears indicating there's something to do there. There are lot's of little things to discover, most of them are just there for fun, to add some depth to the entire thing, but luckily most of those disappear after the first time you use/perform them so you don't get swamped all the time with symbols floating in the air. It also keeps you focused on the story, which turns this more into an interactive movie than just a graphically advanced adventure game. Which might turn some people off because (so far) it isn't very difficult, I don't think you will ever feel much of an achievement having encountered the solution to a particularly devious puzzle for example. But I still think it's worth it because the story is just so compelling. For a movie it might be your average psychological thriller about trying to catch a serial killer, but for a game it's great stuff that hasn't been done enough before.